Tuesday, December 28, 2004

- General
Reported by one of the users -the main web page has become too big for ChangeDetect - so broke into two parts and re-uploaded.

Monday, December 27, 2004

- General
Added "day of week" as an available parameter substitution keyword.
Made a public release of 2.52 now that the Christmas recording frenzy is largely over.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

- Replay Radio
Odd - 2 mentions in a few days. When I first looked I could not see an easy way in.
No obvious command line parameters and binary file that was a pain to create (but possible).
Good news though - the second requestor had spotted that they have documented a way in by passing it a formatted file. Similar idea to TVPI.
Implemented it. But - it shows up something interesting.
To get it to close a dialogue box I had to send a keystroke to it - but ZoneAlarm firewall seems to be blocking keyboard stuffing. I can understand why, but it does not seem to be configurable. This will cause a few problems for other devices so will have to do some digging around.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

- TotalRecorder
Had a comment which lead to including a new substitution field - OutputTarget ($OT).
Then modified TotalRecorder to allow substitution to be called. Utimately all devices will have this support when invoked from command line but doing it as other changes happen in similar area. Did it in a way that will not affect existing installations - but would prefer to remove the "old" method.
The person who wanted it has written a useful page showing how he configured things.

- TwinHan VisionDTV
One user is finding that the recording is sometimes from the wrong broadcast type (e.g. radio rather than TV). I cannot see anything wrong with what I am doing - but looking.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

- Radiator
Someone wanted to drive Radiator (radio handling software). He was able to get it working by simply using one of the existing device types and simply modifying the paths and command line. Works - but could be better.
So - put in some native support.